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Published: March 14, 2024


Impossible To Find A Job? Try This…

NgelAndrs writes on Reddit that it’s impossible to find a job

I have been searching for a job as a Freelance Copywriter for a month now. I’ve reached out to over 300 companies of all types and sizes. Only five have responded, and it was just to politely decline my services. 

I worked as a B2B Writer for two years at a small company and have some knowledge in copywriting due to some small copywriting tasks. My goal is to make a career as a Freelancer in this field, but it’s proving to be quite challenging.

What’s the problem here? 🧐

Could be a number of things, but a lot of people in the comments believe AI is the culprit.

💬 One response…

I think you haven’t found a job as a copywriter because LLMs like Co-Pilot, Bard, and ChatGPT make it very easy for everyone to write something that’s good enough.

Another commenter suggests that bulk pitching is the answer…

I recommend you check out how to send bulk cold emails. I tried sending 1500 cold emails a week and landed 2 clients.

Sounds quite spammy to me, but hey, whatever works.

My advice to NgelAndrs would be to read this article by Jakob Greenfeld 👇

In the past year I’ve worked with 100+ b2b companies and one of the main lessons was that selling generic offers is incredibly hard.

“We do FB ads”

“We do SEO”

Or even worse:

“We do SEO, Google Ads, Landing Pages, Recruitment,… really anything you’re willing to give us money for.”

There are a gazillion agencies offering the exact same thing…

Not a fun game to play.


when you start coining your own unique mechanism, you start playing a completely different game.

“Our ‘Growth Amplifier Matrix’ supercharges e-commerce brands to break 7-figure revenue ceilings.”

“Through our ‘Impact Velocity Method’, we drive exponential user engagement for mobile apps.”

No one else is offering this.

Suddenly you’re operating in a category of one.

Prospects will actually want to learn more.

Humans and curious by nature.

When they hear a new phrase they feel a pull to understand it.

If you’re struggling to stand out, give this a try yourself…

All it takes is taking your existing offer, writing down every single tiny piece that makes it unique, and then coming up with a cool sounding name.

I’d say the final piece is to be hyper-targeted with your outreach 🎯

Spend some time finding businesses you believe to be a great fit for your services, and let them know why when you pitch them.

But hey, that’s just one approach.

There are endless others.

The main thing is to keep trying until you hit on something that works.

Only the persistent survive 💪

About The Author
Fardeen Khan
Fardeen Khan – Writer and Researcher From India, Fardeen loves internet rabbit holes. After graduating with a degree in electronics, he found his passion for writing and digging into the depths of the internet. Apart from that, he's always down for a game of cricket.

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